Are you sick of seeing Taylor Hicks singing in those Ford commercials yet? The company is using him to entice you to buy their brand by promising  “we’ll pay for your gas until 2007.” Sounds like a generous offer. Or is it?
*MOUSE PRINT: “Receive maximum $1,100 debit card for gas. Amount varies by model.” [Commercial airing June 2006]
According to their website, you only receive the maximum $1,100 if you buy an SUV or select truck. You get less (only $1000) if purchasing other vehicles.
With today’s gasoline prices at $3 or higher a gallon, many drivers say they are paying $50, $60, $70 or more weekly to tank up. At that rate, gas for half a year (from now until January) would run $1300 to $1820 — way more than Ford will pay for.
“$0 for gas” may be true for those who purchase fuel efficient vehicles, drive average or less amounts, and spend less than $39 a week for gas. For everyone else, Ford’s $0 for gas promise is running on fumes. MrConsumer says no tanks.