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Scott Toilet Paper: Here We Shrink Again

In the continuing retail race to shrink the size of a sheet of toilet paper to that of a postage stamp, Scott 1000 sheet rolls have been downsized again.

Exactly four years ago, we reported on Scott shortening each sheet on the roll from 4 inches to 3.7 inches.

Now, they are making each sheet narrower too.


It went from a full 4.5 inches wide to just 4.1 inches wide. A four pack now has almost 42 square feet less paper — a reduction of nine percent.

When the company was asked why they narrowed each sheet, a customer service representative replied:

This makes Scott “comparable with other brands on the market shelf” … and that there was “a slight improvement to make it thicker.”

How much thicker are the sheets now? Probably not too much as the new package weighs a full five ounces less than the old one.

Scott has a long history of downsizing its 1000 sheet rolls: 

Original: 4.5 inches by 4.5 inches

Pre-2006: 4.5 inches by 4.0 inches

9/2006: 4.5 inches by 3.7 inches

9/2010: 4.1 inches by 3.7 inches

The cumulative effect on consumers of all this downsizing is significant. Today’s roll is a full 25% smaller than the original.  Maybe they need to rename the product Scott 750.

As with all products that are downsized inconspicuously, it is a sneaky way to pass on a price increase because the customer is paying the same price, but getting less.

Thanks to eagle-eyed Mouse Print* reader Karen S. for this submission.

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51 thoughts on “Scott Toilet Paper: Here We Shrink Again”

  1. I used Scott toilet paper for over 30 years, but quit using Scott toliet paper (and all Scott/KC products) i arly 2011 because of the reduction of the size from 4.5″ to something less desireable. I am a 6’2″ person with large hands and the new toliet paper size just doesn’t fit in my hand any more. I find I have to use about twice as much to roll around my hand. So much for savings and helping the environment! I have located 4.5″ tolet paper on the ‘net doing a google search and now I don’t have to use anything less than 4.5″ x 4.5″ toliet paper anymore. I will only return to Scott paper products if they decide to revive their 4.5″ toliet paper that actually FITS standard toilet paper holders.

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