We take a break this week from nasty fine print, and focus on a funny disclaimer that virtually no one saw on TV last week.
The most clever moment at the 65th Annual Emmy Awards last Sunday was a video featuring host Neil Patrick Harris. He has become a popular pick to host awards shows like the Tonys and Emmys for good reason.
In this clip, we find the former “Doogie Houser” yearning to host more and more shows. In fact, it has become such an obsession, that his colleagues from “How I Met Your Mother” are seen doing a public service announcement for EHD, a rehabilitation program for those suffering from Excessive Hosting Disorder.
At the end of the PSA, there is the obligatory fine print (and the best headline ever), but not on the screen long enough for any viewer to read and get a chuckle:

I really like self-aware humor. It gives a sense that the person is not just a shill and knows how they may be perceived by others.
Some entertainers are way too serious and uptight, but the ones like Neil Patrick Harris provide encouragement that there are sensible people in entertainment too.
I noticed it during the broadcast . . . hit the pause button . . . and thought the last line of that fine print was the funniest of the evening.
I had a grumpy attitude when I clicked onto this site eager to see what way us consumers are being screwed this week, only to leave with a wonderful sign of relief! A breath of fresh air and it made my day! Thanks Edgar.
I think that the writers of these shows are well aware that most of us have pause buttons. This was very funny. As far as I’m concerned, Neil Patrick Harris should host every awards show. He is terrific. I think he should be the next Oscar host.
Toward the end of the video, it actually tells you to get ready to pause, so they anticipated people reading the final disclaimer. Funny stuff.