Last week, we examined what appeared to be a news story from USA Today touting discount site On closer inspection, however, that “story” may have actually been an advertisement, but it was not labeled as such.
This week we focus on another news story that popped up in MrConsumer’s consumer news feed recently. It was entitled, “The Nuclear Savings Rule: 10 Frugal Living Tips from the 1950s Era.”
It sounded like old-fashioned savings advice that might be of interest to Consumer World readers even today. Some enterprising reporter, I thought, must have done an awful lot of research to go back 70 years to find consumer tips from the ’50s.
Here’s that Go Banking Rates story to quickly browse — just look at the bolded tips.
Scroll down the story.
If you skip to the bottom of the story, there is a surprising editor’s note.
Say what? This story was written by a computer using artificial intelligence and then fact-checked by a human editor. Wow! Or maybe I should say “oy.” Is this what journalism of the near future is going to look like — computers do the research and write the stories, and then a human double-checks them?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.