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Gorilla Glue: Toughest Glue on Planet Earth*

Gorilla glue No one wants a weak glue. So it is a good thing we can buy Gorilla Glue which the maker claims is “the toughest glue on planet earth.”

Even on their website in answer to the question, “Is it really the Toughest Glue on Planet Earth,” they say “Gorilla Glue is an all purpose adhesive. If used correctly, it will bond just about anything and for just about forever. It is free of solvents and fillers which makes it both strong and versatile. There are some things that are just difficult to glue, such as certain plastics, but we are confident that once you’ve tried Gorilla Glue, you will be more than satisfied with the results.” [GorillaGlue.com FAQ, August 1, 2006]

So, pretty much, they are sticking to their claim. The makers of Elmer’s Glue, however, were not buying it. They challenged that advertised claim with the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau [NAD]. Elmer’s argued that “the toughest glue on planet earth” was a specific, superiority claim and wanted to see their substantiation.

According to NAD, Gorilla Glue provided no evidence to support its superiority claim, but offered this explanation:

*MOUSE PRINT: The “toughest glue” claim was mere puffery and “is so broad in scope, so general in nature, and so exaggerated in content, that no reasonable consumer would believe it to be a superiority claim.”

If that kind of logic were allowed to stand, then any advertiser could make specific claims about their products and defend those claims by in essence saying that a consumer would have to be an idiot to believe our advertising.

The NAD adhered to their set of interpretations of what constitutes a real claim and what constitutes puffery, and ruled against Gorilla Glue. They recommended discontinuing the claim on their packages and in advertising.

Gorilla is appealing the case, but somehow the “just kidding” disclaimer has not yet found its way onto the product.

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73 thoughts on “Gorilla Glue: Toughest Glue on Planet Earth*”

  1. I have used Gorilla Glue for several years in my home and business. I agree
    that it is the toughest and most versatile glue that I have ever used. From
    glueing wood to wood to plastic to plastic, and metal to metal, is is superior.
    Glueing is not a complicated process with Gorilla Glue. It is the best.

  2. Gorilla Glue is an excellent adhesive, I used it on a metal to metal surface on the back of a chair and it has held where as super glue didn’t, also on glass and foam, the best I have tried.

  3. If Gorilla glue is actually the toughest glur on the planet, then the maker should not say the claim is “so exaggerated in content, that no reasonable consumer would believe it to be a superiority claim”.

    Too bad politicians can’t be held to the same standard.

  4. I have used Gorilla Glue a number of times and depended on the claim, “The Toughest Glue on Earth” to be
    accurate. It was not accurate and I ended up with a mess. Truth in advertising? Where?

  5. I have a rather heavy wooden birdhouse that’s shaped like a
    church. Most of the structure is circular and hollow to
    accommodate the birds and their nest. It hangs by the steeple-
    at least it did until the first windy thunderstorm this summer.
    It separated midway down the steeple where it was glued to its
    flat wooden second floor. There’s very little surface on the
    edge of the circular steeple to apply glue but I used my old
    faithful Elmer’s since it was all I had and normally works
    fine. It lasted a week or two. My daughter insisted her Gorilla
    Glue would hold it. That’s been over two months ago.

  6. I’m glad someone does try to watch over the claims made in advertising.

    I was surprised they went for the “too outrageous to be true” angle, though.

    If it were my product, I think I would have just qualified what “toughest” meant.

    (e.g. “Thoughest Glue On Planet Earth*” (*that we manufacture) or something else squarely in my control.)

  7. I see several comments here about Gorilla Glue in support of its “toughest glue” claim. I’ve used Gorilla Glue and agree that it is a great product. The last time I purchased polyurethane glue, however, I saved a few pennies and bought Elmer’s Ultimate Glue. From what I can tell, there is no difference in bonding performance between the two. My guess is that Rhino Ultra provides comparable adhesion as well.

    Do I believe Gorilla’s claim? No.

    Should the be allowed to advertise that way? Probably not.

    Does it influence my purchase? The first time it did; however, now that I see other polyurethane glues with similar performance, I look for the best value.

  8. My 6-year-old son spotted the glue at Home Depot last month. “That can’t be true. How can they say that unless they’ve tried all the other glues to see which is strongest?”

    If my 1st grader can spot the lie (exaggeration) right off, why has it taken so long for GG’s claim to be challenged? We adults are so jaded that we’re not offended by untruths anymore.

  9. The claim is almost certainly false and I was always bemused about why they hadn’t been sued yet. But I feel I ought to mention that I have a messenger type bag that broke at a plastic part that joins the shoulder strap to the bag. I glued it together with Gorilla glue. Based on prior experience with glues I expected it to fail pretty quickly. 3 years later it’s still holding. Over the years I’ve gradually increased the amount of weight I trust it to hold and now regularly carry my laptop plus folders of papers in it. I’m amazed. Probably not the strongest glue money can buy (surely the ‘binary’ epoxies are better) but the best personal experience I’ve ever had with glue.

  10. Having just recently finished building out our basement, I needed a
    strong adhesive to put in some floor transitions. I bought and used
    Gorilla Glue. I was extremely disappointed.

  11. Cheers to Derek; if you’re not satisified with the claim, you won’t buy it again.

    Aside from the above, I think that this site has inadvertantly guided potential consumers from the little guy!

    If Gorilla is better than Elmers, then they should be entitled to their claim. There is no patent/trademark issue here. They aren’t cliaming to be better than Elmers specifically; moreover, they are only advertising on their packaging. If this is all they can afford, then, more power to them for running a tight operation!

    This posting would be much more relevant if the product sucks. It’s apparent that the product is functional here.

    Why not focus on the scamsters like the car dealers in the next section (as opposed to producers that make competitive products which challenge the monopolies)?

    After all, isn’t this the American entrepeneurial spirit?

    [Don’t get me wrong; if this product didn’t bind, I’d be all over that $*!%]!!!



    Mr. Feasor

  12. I must be one of those idiot consumers who were gullible enough to believe their claim. Around
    here it is only sold in hardware stores which made the claim seem even more plausible. I am
    looking for my receipt right now to return my unopened bottle of Gorilla Glue. Besides, if it
    is that strong I probably could’nt get the bottle opened anyway. Right?

  13. I am a furniture/cabinet builder as well as a general contractor. While I have
    have not used every glue on the planet I have used way more than the average
    person. Gorilla glue is indeed an extremely durable product that does exactly
    what I want it to. Do I believe its the toughest glue on the planet? Well… I
    am quite sure there are certain industrial adhesives that may fit that description.
    It is however a very durable product. I have used the Elmer’s equivalent and found its
    over all performance wanting. It’s kind of like believing Red Bull will indeed give you wings….

  14. I have used Gorilla glue for years, especially for outdoor projects. Gorilla glue is not water soluable, so
    it is great for outdoor. I built my own deck 4 years ago, and had a few decking boards with splits in them.
    I filled in the gaps with Gorilla glue and clamped it for 24 hours. You still can’t see where the
    splits were. Are there any Elmer’s users who can make that claim?

    I won’t say that Gorilla Glue is this strongest on Earth for everything, but certainly for wood, it
    can’t be beat. I guarantee that anything Elmer’s can glue, Gorilla is just a strong or stronger. I
    admit, I haven’t had much luck with plastics, but the only thing I’ve found that works reliably on
    plastics is super glue or epoxy. Don’t even think about gluing plastics with Elmer’s.

    My advice to Elmer’s, don’t waste your time and money fighting a superior product. Instead, put those
    resources to work trying to improve you product.

    Until something better comes out, Gorilla Glue is a required element in my workshop.

  15. I like Gorilla glue, too. It is easy to use and works great when the instructions are followed But, my dog like it better. It cost over $1000 to have it removed fomr his stomach and almost cost his life. Like anti-freeze you must keep this stuff away from pets. It is my feeling that this should be made clearer on the packaging. -LarryR

  16. I tried Grrilla Glue on some old chairs that had come apart at the joints.

    I followed the directions and it lasted 2 weeks. Elmers wood glue lasted longer.

  17. My concern about Gorilla Glue, and one I would love it if you would investigate,
    it is deadly to dogs and doesn’t make that clear on the package.

    One night my husband got up in the middle of the night and saw a large spot of glue on our
    oriental carpet. The contractor working on the house had left the Gorilla Glue out and our
    Siberian Husky had chewed the tube open. The package didn’t say anything about the glue
    being especially bad for pets, so his big worry was trying to clean the carpet.

    He went on the internet and started Googling “Gorilla glue” to see if he could save my
    carpet. He found that not only was the carpet a lost cause, but that when a dog eats
    Gorilla Glue, the glue expands in his stomach to form a large benign tumor of glue that
    will kill him painfully if it isn’t taken out.

    We went to the emergency vet. Our Husky was in the vet hospital for three days at a total
    cost of $1,500. The vet showed us the ball of glue, which was five inches in diameter.

    The irony is, if that dog hadn’t destroyed my carpet, he might have died since the
    package said nothing about GG being hazardous to pets.

  18. I am a mosaicist and use Gorilla Glue often. It’s tough, indeed, and if you wipe it with a damp cloth before it bubbles, you’ll get good results.

    Still, best is Marine Goop. But here’s a secret: all the Goops (except Marine) are exactly the same formula. Exactly.

  19. i can be trusted, my family has been gluing traditional objects as artisans for generations. i’ve tried a lot of glues, and inhaled a lot of them as well.

    when i was younger i tried to get into the glue business, but it didn’t stick. we called our glue ‘promethean certainty,’ and our copy read ‘fie, consumer! behold the test of god’s own drippings!’ the company didn’t make it through the first year.

    i miss the ridiculous blarney of old advertising.

  20. Gorilla Glue IS tough but DO NOT allow it to drip! There is no solvent that
    will remove the dried detritus. It is an unsightly mess!

  21. The one thing about Gorilla Glue that is the most important note of which no one has yet mentioned is that you must use water as a catalyst to get the glue to perform. I would bet that half the people using it unsuccesfully are not using water as a catalyst and therefore the glue fails… I made this mistake because I had use all types of glues but never one that required water as a catalyst. Motto: Read the instructions even if you think your an expert.

  22. If you use it appropriately, Gorilla Glue is absolutely one of the finest adhesive products ever widely sold. You’ve got to read the instructions though, folks. No manufacturer can warranty incompetence.

  23. I seen the product displayed with a handle glued to a concrete block. I didn’t notice the “Toughest glue in the world” advertisement. I was empressed with what I saw and purchased the product. From past experience, I don’t tend to put much reliance into statements like that. I believe that to be “puffing”. I think it is a great product that I usually have on hand.

  24. If you want a glu that will WORK try Rhino Glue FIX.
    I bought it at the State Fair, and it is great!!
    Tried all glues on my microwave handle that didn’t work,
    and this has held for months.
    I got the bottle and it has Rhinoglue.com for website.

  25. I’ve got some news for ya’ll who say “I made a mess” It is because youdon’t know how to use it. and elmers glue is just pissed because they are losing customers.

  26. For wood to wood applications Elmer’s Carpenters wood glue is still the best. For other materials, a poly glue is better. I found the new Elmer’s ultimate glue to be a better product than Gorilla, foams less – assuming you follow the instructions. Is it true they use Gorilia’s to make that glue? No wonder they are endangered!!

  27. I had a table electric grill whose ceramic base was broken into many pieces.
    The repair had to be waterproof and resistant to high heat. Gorilla glue was great.
    It has held for over 2 years of grilling and being placed in the dishwasher. I have also used it in re-attaching loose soles to shoes and reinserting straps in sandals that have pulled out. Be sure to clean off the excess ooze, before it hardens, for a neat finished product.

  28. I’m sure some of the Commercial Glues used in construction are far stronger than “ANY” over the counter products, of course many of them also require breathing masks and other safety gear to use!

  29. Gorilla glue is horrible! My regret is that I now have a beautiful chess table with
    many hours of labor invested, and I expect it will fall apart in the future.

    I have used yellow glue for more than 20 years with a great deal of success. It has
    never failed in any of my projects. It was suggested to me by someone at the lumber
    yard that I really need to try Gorilla glue. To give the glue a test I built the
    drawer frames a little larger so that I could cut several strips with glue joints
    in them. I then gave the strips a tug or twist to see which would break first, the
    glue or the wood. I have tried this many times in the past with pieces that are trimmed
    off and the glue (yellow) joint has never failed, the wood always breaks first. To
    my horror the “Toughest Glue on Planet Earth” failed with very little force.

    My experience is that the phrase “Toughest Glue on Planet Earth” applies more to its
    application than its holding power. As the glue expands it seeps out, and must be
    cleaned. A short time later as it continues to expand and seep out, it needs to be
    cleaned again and again.

    Clamp time is also much longer thaan with a typical yellow glue. Woodworking for me is
    a hobby that I do on weekends, so my time is limited. The wait time with Gorilla glue
    is 3-4 times longer than I’m used to and therefore significantly slows down my progress.

    I will never use the “Toughest Glue on Planet Earth” again. It is more expensive,
    more difficult to use, takes longer to clamp, and provides a weaker bond.

  30. hey i am doing my science fair on wood glues and which holds the most weight, I
    am including Gorilla Glue as one of my brands, along with Titebond, Elmer’s, and
    Rhino. If anyone has any ideas on something to measure them with, or about their
    experiences with any of these brands on bonding wood on wood, I would like to
    know. I’m going to see if Gorilla glue really is the toughest glue on planet earth

  31. I’m going a Science Fair project on which glues will hold the most wieght. I need all the information i can get on it.

  32. thanks guys… ive read ” dont buy it” and ” do buy it” now im even more confused… u use it on applications like microwave handles and bird houses… im looking for something that will glue my side view mirror on my car back on to withstand great winds for hours… all of you are useless. im going to stick with a screw hole and a solid screw to keep it intact.. and i suggest you do the same

  33. “Toughest” is not quantifiable – that’s probably why they use the term. If someone
    were to say “bonds best” or “most waterproof” – that would be testable and verifiable

    But to say “toughest” – is it the toughest to get off clothes? Is it not chewable (as in
    “toughest cut of steak?” How can you measure that?

  34. Try any of the Amazing Goop products. I’ve tested them head to head on how much force it takes to pull various glued objects apart and G.G. fails on all substances to hold as well. It als is almost as strong on wood, but way weaker on glass and plastics. Also, it’s technically a capped isocyanate, a toxic substance which many people are permanently sensitized to and there’s that foaming thing. Yuk! Cute Goirlla though, just not the toughest or best adhesive on planet earth or even Home Depot’s shelves. Not Impressed!

  35. My cocker spaniel/blue heeler Odie ate Gorilla Glue about a month ago. At first he was vomiting and then he seemed alright .. Slowly over the month he has quit eating and gotten really picking about what he eats. We’ve taken him to the Vet to get it checked out about the Gorilla Glue and eventually had to get it removed.

    Just wanted to share what I know now. Gorilla Glue is not toxic and will do most of it’s expanding within the first hour. The first vet said his stomach acids would eventually break the thing down. After stressing out for a month we got the glue removed. He ate about a teaspoon and it expanded to the size of a softball. He has an cut about 6-8 inches long. He’s on a liquid diet until next Thursday.

  36. you know if you people would just read the instructions you would not have so many problems.. first of all you do need water to make the glue work… otherwise you have FAILURE… second you wouldnt have oozing if you just wouldnt use soooo darn much.. the instructions says a thin film is enough… thirdly it does have on the box.. WARNING: Keep out of reach of children and animals. Harmful or fatal if swallowed… so people DONT let your dogs eat the stuff… but you know what… if you dont like it then dont use it.. all the more to you..

  37. As an emergency veterinarian, I agree that Gorilla Glue might be wise to list on their label “The Deadliest Stuff On The Planet.” No one could imagine what this stuff does to a dog’s stomach, and how quickly. The big, volleyball-sized perfect casting of the shape of a dog’s stomach made of yellow spongy hardened glue is horrifying. The huge ulcerations in the stomach lining are also horrifying. And as careful as we all try to be, the fact is that dogs do get into things, dogs do eat stupid stuff, and we don’t have eyes in the back of our heads. If you do buy Gorilla Glue, please, please, please keep it locked up out of any possible reach of dogs or kids. It is fatal unless you catch it very quickly after ingestion, and surgery is performed almost immediately.

  38. Latest edition of Fine Woodworking Magazine did a side by side comparison of several wood glues. Applied stress to glue joints to see which glues failed and at what pressure.

    Gorilla glue (and polyurethane glues in general) was the weakest of all the tested samples.

    Tightbond Premium was the strongest.

    This seems consistent with my personal experience as well. Gorilla Glue has a pretty package and it might be ok for microwave oven handles but it is not useful for wood.


  39. EDIT to Previous post.

    Sorry I just double checked. The correct name of the strongest glue for wood joints was

    Titebondâ„¢ III Ultimate Wood Glue (the green label)

  40. I use all kinds of glues for whatever project I am doing. I think I have at least 8 types in cabinet above the workbench. The thing about glue is just because it works on wood doesn’t mean it works on other things. That is why there are dozens of different glues to use. Whatever you are gluing whether it be plastics, metals or woods make sure that the glue is meant to bond that material, read the instructions, follow the instructions and you should be fine.

    All glue is bad to ingest, period. You shouldn’t ingest anything that isn’t food, didn’t your parents teach not to stick whatever you see in your mouth? If you have kids, animals or people who don’t recognize danger in your home then lock anything that is not food up. Frankly at this moment I have a dog who won’t touch anything that I don’t give him and say is alright and a puppy that is supervised or crated while being trained.

    You guys need to do more research because gorilla glue is quite clear don’t leave around animals or children, use water, use small amount, wear gloves and old clothes and test before using. If you go their website you will find it also says under the first aid section that you can’t remove it from hands or clothes and to contact poison control immediately if ingested, heck it even gives a private poison control number to call 24/7. All info I have read is the polyurethanes glues aren’t as strong as PVA glues on wood but try bonding plastic with PVA glues and you will see how strong it is. Use the right glue for the right job and follow instructions or don’t complain.

    To the child who is testing glues, try taking several materials say wood, metal and plastic and sample each glue on each material by gluing together along with a handle attached properly to each. Then hang each piece and attach different weights until it pulls apart. Then you can show it by attaching the max safe weight to each example. Make sure you follow all the directions for each glue, wear gloves and have an adult help you. Best of luck.

  41. Come on..it’s a decent glue. World’s GREATEST maybe not but then again I have a life.
    Works Very well with repair of foam RC aircraft. Fill gaps, holds strong, sandable what more could you ask for.

  42. My 8 month old puppy ate Elmer’s Ultimate Glue last month. He probably ate about a tablespoon and vomited a large yellow mass immediately. We thought he expelled all the glue that was injested. As the week went on after the incident, my puppy could not eat. He would bring the food back up after trying to eat. I took him to the vet and he had to have surgery. My vet took xrays and his stomach was full of the hardened glue. The surgery cost $2,000.00 and he almost lost his life. I contacted Elmer’s company and explained that there is no warning on the bottle of glue about pets and the danger of eating the glue. I felt the company should have done something because of there not being any warning on the packaging. So if you have a pet, beware of your pet eating the Elmer’s Ultimate Glue.

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